Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Train Urself To Develop Positive Habits That Help Lead To Being Happy

Step 4:

When you find yourself faced with a situation that brings about negative thoughts and bad feelings, take time to acknowledge and assess those feelings. Then look at the situation from all angles too seek an equally true and positive thought to work from. This doesn't mean that you go into denial about the negative of the situation; it just means that you choose to pay more attention to the positive part of the situation and how to improve it. Seeking positive situations and outcomes is what leads to being truly happy in life.

Say, for instance, that you feel defeated with your job and are weighed down with all kinds of negatives about your job, your duties, your co-workers, your boss, etc. Take time to re-evaluate everything in your job. If you take the time to do so, I'm sure you'll find a few positives that you can choose to focus on in order to make your work days more pleasant. If not, then focus on a positive outcome by considering what you can do to find something that you truly would enjoy or that would improve the situation for you. Use this technique for any negative situations and thoughts that arise about yourself, your home, your family, your relationships, etc. This is how you can become truly happy!

Develop A Positive Attitude To Help U Be Truly Happy

Step 3:

Direct your focus away from the negatives and more towards the positives. When you focus on the positives, you naturally stimulate your brain with its' own happiness chemicals. Our neurotransmitters respond to and produce various emotional responses in the brain and body based upon our thoughts and behaviors. Some typical neurotransmitters/ chemicals in the brain include Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Endorphins.

When we view things in a negative perspective the amount of these neurotransmitters that are created in the brain will decrease; which keeps the mind and body in a state of melancholy, negativity, anxiety, pain, illness and even depression. On the other hand, having a positive attitude and seeking positive outcomes will activate more of these neurotransmitters in the brain, signaling the brain and body to feel truly happy and positive, which energizes the body and allows more blood flow to the muscles to help reduce anxiety, pain and illnesses.

Re-Direct Ur Focus From The Negative

Step 2:

Realize that not everything is all negative; and the negative side of a situation is not the entire truth. For every negative you focus on, there is also at least one positive to be found within any situation. Focusing more on the positives rather than fixating on the negatives helps people to create an outcome that makes those people happy. Seeking positives provides them with the attitude they need to overcome the negatives of the situation. Just as negative thoughts create negative outcomes, the power of a positive attitude and seeing positive potentials can drive one to redirect their efforts in creating positive outcomes that can make a person happy.

Watch Your Negative Thoughts : They Are Self-Defeating And Rob U Of Being Truly Happy

Step 1:

Many of us have developed habitual negative thoughts about ourselves and of everything around us. Some people have developed this so concretely, that all you seem to hear from them is their negative views on every topic that arises. Negative thoughts and behaviors will not make people happy. The thing is; negativity breeds negativity. Negative thoughts end up creating negative habits that then lead to negative outcomes. This can end up a self defeating cycle that holds you back from being happy.

How to Understand what Makes a Person Truly Happy

It's obvious by looking at different statuses of people that money and external things are not what make people happy. Of course it can make life more comfortable, but money alone can't alleviate all of our problems and make people truly happy.

Many people base being happy upon external factors. They develop ideas that when they achieve this or gain that, then they will be truly happy in their lives. Unfortunately, the happiness that comes with these things seems to be temporary and it's not long before they start saying the phrase "I'll be happy when...."

I too have fallen into this way of thinking and came to find myself wondering "when will I be truly happy?" I started to notice that there are people who always seem to be happy no matter what was going on, and I found myself wondering, what makes them so different from me. Are they just born with a happiness gene that I was missing? Are they more worthy of being happy than I am? What is the deal here?

Luckily, I have learned what truly makes a person happy. Here are some ways to take personal responsibility for your happiness through managing a positive attitude. The best news is that doing this will cost nothing to develop or maintain!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Four Categories Of People

During my meditation class in oneness university, we were told a very interesting thing about four categories of people. There are following four categories of people

1) Walking from Darkness to light : Some people face very difficult situations in life. Their life is full of miseries. They go through very harsh times but they feel they have been going through all this because of what ever they did in the past. They understand that there will be no good if they keep on doing wrong things . They realize that “As you sow ,so shall you reap” so they become good people and so become their deeds.

2) Walking in the light : Some people have great lives. They have most things they want from life. They don’t become proud of such a life.They understand that to be able to lead such a life, they should continue doing good deeds. Such people are grateful of such great lives and they keep on moving in the light.

3) Walking from light to darkness : Some people have great lives. They have money, fame and lot of other things they ask for. They become too proud and too harsh. Instead of feeling grateful for such a life, they think that its their birthright. They forget that they have such a life because of their good deeds in the past. They become unconscious in their wealth and happiness and start doing wrong things and hence start walking towards the dark.

4) Walking in the dark : This is similar to first category of people with their lives full of miseries but they think that there is nothing good in their lives why should they let others live in peace. These people are full of rage.They continue to do bad things for everyone around them and themselves. They feel life is unfair to them. They have lot of negativity in their nature. Most of the terrorists fall in this category. It is very natural for the person who goes through so many miseries to behave like this but if at all he understands that there is nothing better that would happen by doing so and he is only making things worse for him, he would start sowing good seeds of his deeds. He is already in the dark and he continues to walk in the dark.

All of us fall in one of the above categories. If not our whole life then phases or moments of our life fall in one of the above categories. As long as we are in category 1 or 2, we are good but if we are in category 3 or 4 then remember each moment we are sowing new seeds for your future. If you sow bitter gourd then you will never reap mangoes and if you sow mangoes then you will reap mangoes. Each moment you are creating your future. Its never ever too late to wake up and create a better future.

Irrespective of where you are coming from but from this moment on you can start walking towards the light, towards better future.

Life is beautiful :)

You Are In The Right Situation

“Some flowers grow best in the Sun while others do well in Shade.

Remember, we are put where we grow the best and accordingly we get people and situations to grow with”

A lot of times we get this question :”Why I am this situation when others are in a better one”.The quote above explains a lot. We all have different lessons to learn to grow. A dishonest man need to learn what is honesty while a greedy man needs to learn how to be generous.

Sometimes I think the whole nature is so perfect. There is a perfect rhythm and balance in all the things in nature. Only a prefect one can design such a perfect system and how can that perfect one put us in a wrong situation. At times things seem bad but when you look back you know there was a good reason why that happened. I feel when we accept what we have and where we are, the intense peace and power that we get enable us to overcome the toughest situation in life.

May we all realize that life is fair and we are always in the right situation.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Find Happiness

Whether we are fully aware of it or not, we all seek happiness. The extent to which we feel truly happy greatly affects our level of fulfillment and the meaning and richness we enjoy in our lives. It influences our levels of energy and our productiveness. Our ability to enjoy happiness affects our belief in ourselves, as well as our level and quality of engagement with others. It really is a major influence on the quality of life we experience.

At times, however, we find ourselves focusing on matters which don’t tap into our natural abilities to be happy and content. Some of us even make a habit of seeking out thoughts which lead us away from feelings of happiness. We often pretend to ourselves that our level of happiness is the result of events that happen to us or the outcome of our own personal circumstances. This is a delusion.

We actually have far more control over our level of personal happiness than we generally give ourselves credit for.

What we each need to do, instead, is learn some simple strategies for tapping into our natural abilities to be happy. Once we are aware of some of these strategies, we have the ability at any time to take our entire lives to a brand new level – a level that we have never experienced before. Tapping into true happiness brings a level of contentment within and gives us the power of new insights that can greatly enrich our life experiences.

3 Ways To Live A Happy Life

If you are like most people you want to live a happy life. The problem is that you were never really taught how to live a happy life. Happiness is possible to have but you have to know how to bring it into your life. There are many ways to do this but here are 3 of them to help you get started.

1. Define what happiness is to you.

I hear people all the time say that they want to be happy but when I ask them what happiness is to them they have a hard to explaining it to me. You see I if you don’t know what happiness is to you than the most it will ever be is a thought or an idea. As soon as you define what it is then you have something to work towards in your life.

2. Set goals.

If you know what makes you happy than you need to set goals to reach those things. Don’t just say that you will be happy if certain things happen in your life; begin to set goals that will help you bring it into your life. Nothing comes to those that want, only to those that make it come.

3. Don’t do things that make you unhappy.

This may seem very obvious but you would be surprised how many people choose jobs, relationships, and things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life than you have to choose to bring things into your life that will make you happy. If you hate your job, go out and find one that is a great fit for you and will make you happy doing it.

Life After Death

Do you believe in life after death?

Too often I find that the subject of death is addressed with goofy speculation, close-minded stubbornness, or outright fear and avoidance. So let's bypass the "Death for Dummies" approach and take a deeper intellectual look at death to better understand the important role it plays in our lives... and especially what it can teach us about how to live.

As far as our human bodies are concerned, death eventually captures all of us. As far as I can tell, no human being has yet managed to live forever. Even if we evolve new silicon bodies for ourselves and find a way to transfer our minds into them, there's no reason to believe those bodies will be immortal either (even with frequent upgrades). We may be able to delay death, perhaps even for a very long time, but eventually our physical existence will end at some point. Forever is too long for us to last as physical beings. No backup system is foolproof, especially when its opponent is the infinity of time.

On average more than 150,000 people die every day on this planet. That's 2 people per second. Over a million corpses a week. And this is "normal" for planet earth. Does this fact help you get some perspective on the scope of various tragedies? If 3000 people get wiped out in a single stroke, that's still only 2% of one day's total... hardly significant from a cosmic point of view.

And here's the worst part. You don't even know when you'll die (unless you're reading this right before committing suicide, in which case I'd better keep writing). But my guess is that you don't have an item labeled "die" on your to do list or in your tickler file.

So how comfortable do you feel with the idea that today might be your last day alive?

For 150,000 people today, that's about to become the reality, so if you happen to be among them, you'll have plenty of company. I wonder how many of those people feel prepared for what awaits them.

What do we really know about what happens after death???????????????

Saturday, December 26, 2009

What Is Human Happiness

What is the goal of human beings?

What is our final goal?

What are we looking for?

The simple answer is, "Happiness." But there are many different ideas of what happiness is. So first, we have to discover which kind of happiness is the "final goal" for human beings.

What It Means To Be Human

A human being is not just about what we look like or what we
can do.If this is how we define human beings, we would all in big trouble,
because everyone looks different, and we all have different skills and
abilities. What makes us human is our "end" or "goal."

The ancient Greek philosophers noticed that all living creatures are
designed to pursue a certain goal. Every species has a different goal. They
called this goal "telos" which means "end." They taught us that, if you can
discover what something's telos (final goal) is, then you will know what that creature is. For example, the goal of an acorn is "oak tree." It's the goal
of "oak tree" which causes the acorn to grow and change the way it does. Acorns already have "oak tree" written within their nature. That's what they
are,only in a very young stage. In the same way, if we can discover
the "end" or "goal" of the human being, we will know what the human being is.

Meaning Of Life

The meaning of life constitutes a philosophical question concerning the and significance of existence and/or biological life in general. This concept can be expressed through a variety of related questions, such as Why are we here?, What is life all about? and What is the meaning of it all? It has been the subject of much philosophical,scientific, and theological speculation throughout history. There have been a large number of answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds.

The meaning of life is deeply mixed with the philosophical and religious conceptions of existence,consciousness, and happiness, and touches on many other issues, such as symbolic meaning,ontology,value,purpose, ethics,good and evil, free will,conceptions of God, the existence of God, the soul, and the afterlife. Scientific contributions are more indirect; by describing the empirical facts about the universe, science provides some context and sets parameters for conversations on related topics. An alternative, human-centric, and not a cosmic religious approach is the question "What is the meaning of my life?" The value of the question pertaining to the purpose of life may coincide with the achievement of ultimate reality or a feeling of oneness, or a feeling of sacredness.