Wednesday, January 13, 2010

#03 To My Dad

I'm opening my presents in front of the tree,
Dad, and I look over to your chair
I look at the emptiness, Dad, the space,
and become sad because you're not there

Summer comes along with my birthday,
Dad, and you aren't there with a big grin
My competitions come and go, Dad,
you aren't there to see me win

I go into your room one day,
Dad, and look at your empty drawers.
I go and visit you one day, Dad,
and I see you, but the soul isn't yours

I feel you, and see you,
and touch you and smell you.
But you can't think, or drive, or work
or be my dad like you always used to.

Why did this happen, Dad?
I know that no answer will fit right.
I wish you could still be here Dad,
I wish you didn't lose the fight.

Why is God making you suffer,
Dad, I'd really like to know.
I get to see your body and it tears me up inside,
I visit you and then I have to go.

I see your body, but yet it's not you,
and that's the hardest of them all.
No one understands, they think you are still alive,
they don't get why I always bawl.

Its like you die over and over,
Dad, it is like a tease,
A constant reminder of something I can't have,
I am begging you please!

Don't treat me this way,
God, I want my Dad back
Dad, if you're listening from wherever you are,
my life is perfect, but you I lack.

You are still here, so I don't know
whether you are watching from Heaven above
Maybe your soul is there,
but either way, I send you my love.

by Alana

#02 My Dream

Where the mountains touch the sky

Where poets DREAM, where eagles fly

A secret place above the crowds

Just beneath marshmallow clouds

Lift your eyes to a snowy peak

And see the soon- to- be we seek

Whisper DREAMS and let them rise

To the mountains old and wise

Climbers climb, it's time to try

Where the mountains touch the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the ocean meets the sky

Where mermaid dance and seagulls fly

A place in DREAMS I know so well

The sea inside a single shell

Far across the living sea

A pale blue possibility

Beyond the castles made of sand

Tomorrow in a small child's hand

Only DREAMERS need apply

Where the ocean meets the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Where the forests reach the sky

Men are equal and doves still fly

No thorns of war, a perfect rose

This is where the green grass grows

Out beyond the crystal stream

Like Dr. King I have a DREAM

Imagine such a goal in sight

For red and yellow, black and white

Whisper now, let the DREAM begin

It's time to trust the truth within

This is where we seek and find

A gift in being colorblind

Dream on Dreamers, hopes are high

Where the forests reach the sky

Take me there. Oh take me now

Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow

Now, listen close, the future calls

"Build your bridges and tear down walls! "

For time has taught and so it seems

Realities are born of DREAMS

by Todd-Michael St. Pierre

#01 My Treasure - For Mom

I look back on these years
To see how far I've come and grown,
I take a trip down memory lane,
And what I see has shown ...

That every step I've taken,
You have been there by my side ...
From infancy to adulthood,
We've stood the test of time.

You cradled me and nurtured me,
Through all these many years;
You held me and did comfort me,
Through happiness and tears.

You'd pick me up when I would fall,
You'd dust me off and then,
Encourage me to get back on
That horse and ride again.

Your constant care and loving,
And your warm inviting heart,
Has always been a treasure that
I knew would n'er depart.

If I could be "just half" the person
You have been to me ...
Then you have taught me well dear mom,
For in my heart I see ...

A woman whose most gentle soul,
Embraces me each day ...
A woman whom I dearly love,
Much more than words can say.

by Kit McCallum

100 Best Poems on Life

In some sense, it could be argued a category about Life is a vague, nebulous cop-out. Any poem ever penned by Man or Woman would surely gain ready admittance here. All poems, almost by definition, are about Life.

But don't, for a moment, think that makes this category any less important. On the contrary, if the poems and topics you are about to explore are about Life, then they are also about you.

No one person can ever experience all that life has to offer. It is only through sharing - experiences, feelings, insights - that we can hope to grow beyond our own meager lifetime. Are you ready to grow today?

Let the countdown begin.